Homicide Cleanup
Oakland, CA
Oakland is tragically the most violent city in the state. With nearly 8,000 violent crimes reported in 2013 the need for our services has never been higher. Since 1995 Crime Scene Steri-Clean has assisted families in Oakland and the entire bay area with compassionate, discreet and affordable biohazard cleanup services. Families should not be left to deal with this alone. Let our courteous staff help you through this. Our crews will show up quickly and in unmarked vehicles. No need to draw more attention to you and your loved ones. In your time of need call us for a free estimate. We answer our phones 24 hours a day. Our Oakland office can be reached at 510-270-2370.
Suicide Cleanup
Oakland, CA
There are nearly 40,000 suicides each year across the U.S. The victims loved ones are left with unanswered questions and emotional trauma that nobody can imagine unless they have been through it. The thought of a family member cleaning the remains of such a traumatic scene is unbearable and unsafe. This will also cause further emtional trauma for the victims loved ones. We can help you by providing this service for you at an affordable cost, or by billing your insurance directly. These situations are not only being properly cleaned, they are also not under the influence of proper application of the right disinfectant to be certain that all bacteria, viruses and communicable diseases are removed. Trust in us to properly remove the signs of this unfortunate event. Our Suicide Cleanup 24 Hour Help Line for Oalkand and surrounding cities is 510-270-2370. We are here to help.
Undiscovered Death
Oakland, CA
With an aging population and improving health services it is more common for people to live independantly and alone. The unfortuante fact that many people pass away and are undiscovered for days, weeks and even a month or more is another reason we are contacted for our services. The fluids from decomposition will flow with gravity and saturate any surface it contacts. These fluids and the odor that fills the home are filled with bacteria and possible communicable diseases. The fluids must all be located, properly cleaned and package as biohazard, then transported to a medical waste facility for destruction. The areas in the residence then have the proper disinfectant applied. The odor removal process takes 12-24 hours and involves a small machine that is left in the residence over night. This services is typically covered by homeowners insurance. Contact our specialists today with any questions! 24 hours we can be reached at 510-270-2370.